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TACO’s Fall Show to Include Educational Seminars

The Texas Association of Campground Owners (TACO) is gearing up for its fall show on Sept. 25 in the North Texas Jellystone Park in Burleson. The event will include legislative updates, two educational seminars and visits to award-winning parks.

“It’s a heck of a deal,” said Brian Schaeffer, TACO executive director and CEO.

The event will commence with a morning membership meeting, after which park operators will be taking in two very topical educational seminars and a host-park tour. Magda Wilcox and Steve Stafford of the North Texas Jellystone Park will lead a class on revenue and yield management. An award-winning national seminar.

Representatives from Philadelphia Insurance will provide a seminar on ways park operators can fully understand and reduce potential liability regarding service and emotional support animals.

The tour of North Texas Jellystone Park will be extensive and cover their buildings, grounds, front office operations and a full-scale water park.

Lunch is being provided by a Texas restaurant Babe’s, featuring chicken-fried steak and chicken-fried chicken. During the dining session, Ron Hinkle, TACO’s legislative consultant, will provide legislative updates along with Rep. Jeff Leach, district 67, and Matt Krause, district 93, of the Texas House of Representatives.

After lunch, attendees are free to tour Texas Ranch RV Resort in neighboring Alvarado and Texan RV Ranch in Mansfield. Both parks have won awards in TACO’s 2019 park competition.

“Each award-winning park will have staff members on hand to provide tours and answer questions. Fact sheets regarding each park’s operations will also be provided,” said Schaeffer.

Armstrong Software has developed a special cellphone app for Fall Show attendees that includes a show schedule as well as maps to the award-winning parks. For Android and iPhone users, just search in the Google Play store or the Apple’s App Store for the TACO Fall Meeting app.

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