Thetford Offers New Online Training Program

Thetford Corp. recently revised its Online Training Program.
“Teaching and education are a focus for Thetford,” said Andy Bialorucki, Thetford’s director of marketing. “More informed retailers create more sales and more repeat customers.”
Designed to be interactive and fun, Thetford’s Online Training Program can be completed in 30-40 minutes and includes videos to explain product features and benefits.
As an added benefit via a random drawing, Thetford will award $50 Visa gift cards to ten people who complete training by June 1. All retailer personnel who complete the training are eligible.
“Thetford’s industry-leading products are carefully designed and engineered to provide the features and benefits the consumers are looking for,” said Bialorucki. “When retailers understand those features, they can create more sales and profits.”
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