Thousands Tour RVs During Go RVing Experiential Events

Experiential events are part of Go RVing‘s efforts to expose diverse audiences to RVing and an active outdoor lifestyle in an unexpected setting. Recently, Go RVing held experiential events across the country, including at the Cheyenne Frontier Days, the Twin Cities Summer Jam, the Barefoot Music Fest and the Carolina Country Music Fest, that resulted in thousands of consumers touring RVs and hundreds of leads for local dealerships.
These events are possible thanks to manufacturer members who provide units for the displays. Winnebago Industries provided two RVs for both the Carolina Country Music Festival and the Twin Cities Summer Jam. THOR Industries provided an RV for both the Cheyenne Frontier Days and the Barefoot Country Music Festival. Forest River and Grand Design also each provided an RV for both the Cheyenne Frontier Days and the Barefoot Country Music Festival.
If any manufacturers or dealerships are interested in providing RVs for any of the upcoming events, please contact Dana DelVecchio at