TMC with New Lamination and Structural Warranty

Elkhart, Ind.-based Thor Motor Coach, as part of the change to increase motorhome value and longevity, is “raising the bar,” it says, for the warranty period on all 2021 Class A and Class C motorhomes. A new 1-6-12 warranty program provides what it says is an industry-leading 6-year lamination warranty and 12-year structural warranty, along with the 1-year limited warranty.
The company says that it’s taking advantage of what it says is a shortfall in the industry in terms of offering special protection for the structural integrity and lamination of the motorhomes’ houses.
“We have spent the past 18 months improving the culture throughout our great organization,” said Jeff Kime, THOR Motor Coach president. “The institution of better communication, visual management and operational accountability have helped us transform the business.
“The new warranty coverage is part of our commitment to build the most innovative, dependable and longest-lasting motorhomes in the industry.”