Tom Hanks Selling His Airstream Packed with Memories

Airstream trailers are as timeless as they are practical, comfortable and beautiful. A typical Airstream sees campgrounds and rural locations all around the world, but this 1992 Model 34 Limited Excella isn’t typical. It traveled to various movie sets all around the United States as the literal home-away-from-home for Academy Award-winning actor Tom Hanks. And now, you can buy it – along with some wonderful memorabilia to boot.
The trailer will cross the auction block Aug. 13 with Bonhams during the Quail Lodge Auction in Carmel, Calif. On the outside, it looks like a typical Airstream, though you’ll notice a few stickers on the windows. That’s not uncommon among travelers as they mark places they’ve visited, but stickers on this trailer memorialize Hanks’ various movie locations spanning 24 years. According to the auction listing, the locations start with 1993’s Sleepless in Seattle to filming for The Circle in 2017.
More atypical Airstream decor is seen inside. The auction listing states Hanks bought the trailer in 1993 and specified a custom interior that only included a kitchen and bathroom built in. He wanted to make it a comfortable home while on location, so he equipped it with his own furniture that includes a standard sofa with removable legs to fit through the door. A modest bed is located at the back, and the front serves as a living room with an electric fireplace and the aforementioned sofa. A small dining area with a table and chairs rests across from the kitchen. All of the furniture is included with the sale.
Click here to read the full story, plus see a photo gallery, from Christopher Smith at