Torklift Offers 30-day Guarantee on StableLoad

Torklift recently announced that it now offers a 30-day money-back guarantee to retail customers on all StableLoad suspension upgrades.
“We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on our StableLoads because we believe in this product and so do our customers,” said Torklift President Jack Kay. “We want our customers to try the product for themselves to experience the dramatic improvement with StableLoad when towing and hauling. Once they try it, we know they will keep it.”
StableLoads are a suspension upgrade that improves safety and handling while towing or hauling, according to the company. By installing on the trucks rear leaf spring suspension, StableLoads pre-activate the stabilizing effects built within the existing factory leaf stabilizing overload springs, solving side-to-side sway, body roll, and bounce. It also decreases stopping distance.
“Once people install them on their truck and notice the dramatic improvement in vehicle handling, we know they will feel good about their purchase,” said Kay.
With a StableLoad purchase, customers receive the 30-day money back offer, a lifetime warranty and on-going tech support service.
“Many aftermarket products only address one handling or towing issue, making the customer buy multiple suspension products rather than just one,” said Kay. “The StableLoad is the only aftermarket suspension upgrade that works in conjunction with the finely tuned suspension that truck manufacturers have spent millions of dollars and over a hundred years to perfect to ensure a comfortable ride whether towing or not.”
The guarantee applies to StableLoad part numbers A7200, A7202, A7310, A7311, A7301S and A7311S. Torklift provides a refund up to minimum resale price with receipt and return of the product if customers wish to return the StableLoads within 30 days of purchasing from a dealership. This offer is valid only for retail customers.
“Overall, we want customers to feel secure with their purchase, satisfied with the product and safer on the road,” said Kay.