Truma Offers Cold Weather Certification for RVs

With the huge increase in new RVers, it’s becoming more difficult to find the ideal campsite – or sometimes, any campsite – during some of the peak travel times. As a result, many RV owners are shifting their travel schedules to off-peak times of the year, and that sometimes means in cold weather. For these travelers, heating systems become a critical requirement to ensure their safety and comfort.
Truma developed the first portable heater for caravans in 1961 for the European market, and it has continued designing and perfecting the technology of RV heating systems ever since.
“One of the many things we have learned in that time is that the technology is only as good as its implementation,” the company said. “The size, layout and structural materials of an RV affect the heating system’s performance and the unit’s ability to retain heat.”
Now, Truma is offering its RV manufacturing partners the opportunity to test their heating units in Truma’s state-of-the-art climate chamber. The chamber in its Elkhart, Ind., is large enough to accommodate vehicles as large as Class A motorhomes and gives the ability to simulate virtually any climate, the company said.
RVs using the chamber will be put through tests based on international standards for certification. RVs can receive either Gold Standard or Silver Standard Certification. An RV that meets the Gold Standard starts in the chamber at 5°F (-15°C) and reaches an internal temperature to 63°F (20°C) in 4 hours or less. An RV that meets the Silver Standard has a starting temperature of 32°F (0° C) and reaches the internal temperature to 63°F (20°C) in 2 hours or less. These certifications show the consumer the level of quality behind the construction of the RV and that they can count on reliability and comfort when they find themselves in any conditions while traveling.
The actual test lasts a minimum of four hours. Following a complete general inspection, 22 temperature sensors are placed throughout the RV and then readings are taken from the sensors to chart a graph of the atmosphere inside the RV and how long it takes for the RV to reach the set interior temperature.
All data is then recorded by our testing team and presented in a full report to our manufacturing partners, along with recommendations for improvement if needed. In some cases, Truma’s experienced technicians can make modifications on-site for immediate retesting to ensure the RV and heating system are meeting the expectations of our team, our manufacturing partners and ultimately the RV owner.