Two More Congress Members Sponsor Rec Act

Last month on Advocacy Day, RV industry executives met with their Members of Congress and asked them to co-sponsor the Recreation Not Red Tape Act (S.1633 and H.R.3400).
The proposed legislation takes an important first step in simplifying the process for the agencies, companies and organizations providing Americans and international tourists safe and enjoyable experiences on our public lands, the RV Industry Association stated.
Aiming to streamline access for all forms of recreation, the RNR Act will provide support for boating, hiking, camping, fishing, biking, hunting, paddling, snowmobiling, climbing, ATVing, skiing and other motorized and non-motorized recreation use.
The RNR Act fills a gap for managing public lands close to urban areas and population centers. It also improves how places are managed to ensure the greatest potential for collaboration with local communities and local economies, stated the RVIA.
Specifically, for the RV industry, the bill extends the recreation season to help with campground overcrowding.
Due to the efforts put forth by our members, two more Members of Congress signed on to co-sponsor the bills, bringing the total new co-sponsors to five:
- Rep. Susan Brooks (R-Ind.) NEW
- Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) NEW
- Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.)
- Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.-2)
- Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.-6)
All representatives are requested to take action. Those interested in helping can contact their legislator today and ask them to support Recreation Not Red Tape Act.