Vegas Expo Details All Sales Track Workshops

The sales track at the upcoming Vegas expo will offer education workshops with five presenters new to the convention/expo, along with David Martin, a popular speaker who is well known in the industry for his sales training programs.
New presenters are Marcus Sheridan, nicknamed “The Web Marketing Guru”; Gabrielle Bosché, of The Millennial Solution; Doug Christiansen, of Joe Verde Sales & Management Training; Tony Gonzalez, of Garage Composites; and Jered Sobel, of Sobel University.
The sales track will kick off with Christiansen’s workshop on “Get Them All – Whether They Click or Call” at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 7. Attendees can learn how to work with quality internet and phone leads to set more appointments to increase show ratio, to deliver more units every month.
“Capturing the Millennial Market” will be presented by Bosché at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 7. Attendees will learn what to post, when to post, and why to post while harnessing the power of the ‘review culture’ to gain a competitive advantage.
The “Super Lawyers Panel – How to protect Your Dealership from Lawsuits” will begin at 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday. A four-member panel with RV defense attorneys will provide dealers practical suggestions, covering all aspects of a dealer’s operation, that can be used immediately to avoid the ever-growing threat of litigation.
Then at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 8, Sheridan will present “The Digital Consumer: How Today’s Buyer Has Changed and What Your Business Must Do About It.” Sheridan will bring clarity to the way buyers have changed and exactly what companies must do to not only align themselves with this shift in buyer patterns but to also take advantage of the digital age as well.
At 10:15 a.m. on Thursday, Martin will present “Training and Motivating a Superstar Sales Team.” During this workshop, he will explain why the ability to properly train and motivate staff will often be the difference in success or failure. He will also discuss how, why, and when to use the six methods of delivering quality training. Martin will also provide all participants with a customized training calendar for their team, as well as a 90-day orientation plan for new hires.
After lunch in the expo, the sales track picks up with two concurring workshops at 2 p.m. Sobel will host “How to Hire and Train Millennials,” and Sheridan is slated to present “We Are All Media Companies: 7 Steps to Creating a World-Class Digital Culture Within Your Organization.”
At 3:15 p.m., Martin will present a workshop called “Selling at the RV Show and Special Events” where he will discuss practices to get sales and management staff ready to sell – before, during, and after the event. He will share tips and techniques that will help salespeople navigate the balancing act between being too aggressive and turning prospects off and being too passive and letting buyers slip through their fingers. At the conclusion, attendees will leave with a complete, itemized checklist that will help ensure the most profitable show possible.
The day will wrap up with a workshop on converting more “lookers” into buyers. “Get More People to the Desk” will be presented by Gonzalez at 4:30 p.m. Attendees will learn the top reasons customers will not sit down, how to make it simple to ask a customer to sit down, and strategies to set staff up for success when transitioning from the presentation to the sit down.
Visit the sales track page on the convention website for more information about educational workshops and this year’s speakers.