Venture RV Receives Quality Circle Award

Venture RV recently received a 2021 RVDA Quality Circle Award. All Venture product families were recognized: the Sonic, Stratus and SportTrek.
“Dealer levels of satisfaction ratings are based on several support criteria, including reliability/quality, parts, warranty and sales,” said Dave Boggs, Venture’s general manager. “We are honored to receive the Quality Circle Award for all our products. This award represents a lot of hard work from all areas of the company, as we strive for excellence, innovation and quality.”

“The Dealer Satisfaction Index (DSI) results highlight top-rated manufacturers in several important areas of dealer and customer support,” RVDA Board Chairman Chris Andro said.
“The alignment throughout our organization has been a team effort; we believe an award of this stature promotes the drive we have had in the integrity and quality of our company and product,” said Marlene Snyder, Venture’s vice president of sales and marketing. “The award is a great honor that we will share throughout the organization, as it takes a team to achieve the results that this recognition represents.”