Vermont Announces $200K in Outdoor Grant Funding

The RV industry has been a leader in the efforts to establish these Offices of Outdoor Recreation (OREC) offices and is excited to report that these efforts are driving new investment in outdoor recreation across the country.
This week, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott announced up to $200,000 in new funding available for the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Communities Grant Program. The grant program stemmed from a recommendation by the Governor’s Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative, Vermont’s OREC office.
Grant funding will be awarded to support a range of eligible activities, including environmental stewardship, recreational programming and events, capital projects, marketing and planning activities. Communities must demonstrate how they expect to grow their local economy by leveraging outdoor recreation and supporting each of the goals of Vermont’s OREC office. Successful communities will be used to inform development of a longer-term community designation program with the goal of driving economic growth in all recreation-oriented communities.
For more information on getting a company involved in the OREC offices across the country, contact Ashley Brinkman, legislative analyst, at