Video: Barletta Boats President Urges Support for MRAA

The coronavirus pandemic has hit associations hard – most of which have not been eligible for federal relief.
Barletta Boats president Bill Fenech has issued a plea to the industry, which has seen record boat sales this year – to step up and support the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas.
“Business has been wonderful for all of us,” said Fenech in a video asking for industry support of MRAA. “But not MRAA, and they’re doing a great job.”
Barletta Pontoons has long held a reputation as supporting its dealer network.
“With Dealer Week not happening the way it’s supposed to – huge loss of revenue for them, and that’s scary for our industry,” said Fenech.
Click here to read the full story in Trade Only Today from Reagan Haynes. You can watch the video below.
MRAA’s Dealer Week, which accounts for 70 percent of the MRAA’s annual revenue, has moved to a virtual format and does not provide for the same level of revenue potential that an in-person event offers, the MRAA said in a statement.