Washington Passes RV Length Bill

The RV Industry Association has reported that a bill to solve an RV length issue in Washington was recently passed by the Washington State Senate. Although the bill (WA HB 2242) had received broad and bipartisan support since introduction, it was placed in the “x” files of the Senate Rules Committee last week, all but assuring the bill would be dead for the legislative session, according to RVIA.
However, through the work of RVIA’s lobbyist and champions in the Washington State Legislature, the bill was resurrected and did receive an approval vote, passing with an overwhelming 47-1 vote. The legislation that now heads to Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s desk will allow travel trailers up to 46 feet in length.
“We expect the Governor to approve HB 2242 and for it to become law,” said RVIA Manager of State Affairs Nick Rudowich. “This is a great victory for the RV industry, and we are grateful for everyone in the Washington legislature that worked with us to prevent any negative implications for the RV industry and RV dealers in the state had we not been able to get this bill passed.”
This bill will fix an issue that began last summer when Washington state decided to stop approving plans for travel trailers more than 40 feet in length, despite the fact that travel trailers over the 40 feet had been produced, sold, and registered in the state for decades.