Webinars Cover Arbitration, Affordable Care Act

The Mike Molino RV Learning Center and strategic partner KPA will host two free webinars on Wednesday, Jan. 30.
The first webinar is entitled “Using Class Action and Jury Waivers or Arbitration: How to Choose Your Weapon” and takes place at 1 p.m. EST. Attendees will learn the benefits and potential drawbacks of using arbitration agreements and jury and class action waivers independent of arbitration agreements.
At 2 p.m. EST is “ACA Essentials” where attendees will learn about current and future status of individual and employer mandates, how to review and respond to ESRP assessments, and common issues with Form 1094-C and 1095-C reporting.
To register for one or both webinars, click here. Those who cannot attend the live webinar can also register for later access to webinar materials. Dealer webinars are provided by KPA as part of the array of educational offerings available through the RV Learning Center.