Winnebago Industries Supports Ducks Unlimited Youth Development

Winnebago Industries contributed $25,000 to Ducks Unlimited (DU) to support youth participation in ThirdTerm, DU’s annual university leadership summit, and for conservation projects in Minnesota and Iowa.
With support from Winnebago, hundreds of students will attend an eventful and diverse Third Term conference Aug. 6 – 8.
“Ducks Unlimited and the entire Winnebago Industries family share the goals of inspiring a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts and preserving places to explore,” said Katy Friesz, Winnebago Industries Foundation executive director. “We look forward to advancing our long-standing support of conservation in Iowa and Minnesota by connecting with Third Term collegiate leaders across the country.”
Third Term provides college students an avenue to become active in wetlands conservation and offers opportunities to meet like-minded peers from across the country. Student attendees learn business skills needed to manage a DU chapter and information about the many types of jobs that are necessary to run a large conservation organization. Students also build a peer network to help advance themselves professionally and make friends who share their passions for outdoor recreation and conservation.
Winnebago Industries also is supporting DU’s Living Lakes Initiative. The initiative enhances, restores and protects managed shallow lakes and wetlands from central Iowa through northern Minnesota to provide high-quality aquatic food and habitat resources for migrating and breeding waterfowl. They represent prairie pothole habitat and are part of the “Duck Factory” that supports waterfowl breeding and migrating across the continent in fall and spring, the company said.