‘Women as RV Techs’ is Topic of Friday RVWA Event

The RV Technical Institute’s Curt Hemmeler will be the guest on the RV Women’s Alliance’s Coffee, Lunch and Learn program this Friday.
Hemmeler will be discussing the Institute’s efforts to recruit and train RV technicians – and why he thinks more women should get into the field. He notes that as RV sales are increasing, the number of proficient, well-trained RV technicians is steady or declining.
The RV Technical Institute, based in Elkhart, Ind., opened last fall with the mission to solve the industry’s shortage of trained technicians through the creation of the only industry-wide RV technician certification and RV technician career path. Hemmeler will discuss progress made over the past year as well as how future RVTI initiatives will support RVWA’s mission to attract more women to careers in the RV industry.
The event also features special guests providing first-hand accounts of how RVTI training has impacted their careers and RV dealerships.
Coffee, Lunch and Learn is held via Zoom and will be at noon Eastern, 9 a.m. Pacific, this Friday. The meeting ID number is 470-291-338, and registration is here.