Xtreme Bringing New Teardrop to Market

Xtreme Outdoors is set to unveil its latest teardrop trailer, the Little Guy Shadow.
“We are going back to our roots to how we brought the original lightweight teardrop trailer to the industry,” said Joe Kicos, director of sales and founder. “We feel there is more opportunity to explore this segment.”

The interior height will be 47 inches and have a sleeping area of 64-by-80 inches. The mattress will have a unique Froli tri-fold split design. In addition, the interior will have a unique sitting/sleeping configuration with a dropped floor and two Lagun tables, the company said.
The unit will also have oversized 30-inch by 40-inch entry doors and insulated acrylic windows that will provide plenty of ventilation and light.
The Shadow will also feature a 10-gallon freshwater tank, A/C and a two-burner gas stove plus an optional electric cooler and microwave.

There will be two versions of the Shadow – a street version and a more robust off-road edition called the Rough Rider that will have a bigger-size tire at R15.
More can be found on the company’s website.