40 Under 40: Tom Hanan
American Guardian Warranty Services Assistant Vice President, With Company: 1 Year, Industry Experience: 16 Years

As a 16-year veteran in the RV industry, Tom Hanan has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the market space. “Not only does everyone know him, but they also love him as well,” say his peers.
Tom has a reputation for integrity and a track record of success in every role he’s held, leading him to his current position as assistant vice president (AVP) of sales at American Guardian Warranty Services (AGWS).
As AVP, Tom shoulders multiple responsibilities. For this, he draws on his years as a sales manager, turnaround manager and industry product manager to provide invaluable assistance and guidance to AGWS agents. His oversight helps agents create long-term business relationships with RV dealerships and develop wealth-building strategies for dealership clients.
Peers report that Tom is constantly helping his agents. “In this challenging market, we would be drowning without Tom,” says one nominating peer. “Just recently one of our accounts with AGWS dropped us for another carrier. Somehow, Tom got the dealer to share why they were making this decision. He flew to the dealer that afternoon and met us there. Tom … saved the account. He used a combination of incredible knowledge and amazing communication to show the dealer how we were saving them $40,000 a year and would provide better service.”
Today, Tom calls that dealer every week to keep the relationship strong.
Tom grew F&I sales by 13% in the western territory within a year. He also added five new industry partners representing in excess of $500,000 in annual revenue.
As turnaround manager, Tom helped dealerships navigate some of the industry’s toughest years, tapping into his expertise and experience to help dealers improve inventory management, staff properly and structure cash flow management.
As a result, untold members of industry employees kept their jobs, according to his peers.
Prior to his latest position with AGWS, Tom served as a dynamic sales leader for Forest River, pioneering the manufacturer’s Evo line. Peers say his sales abilities pushed the new trailer line to the forefront of the industry.
“All who know, have worked with or for Tom over his many years in the RV industry would attest to the fact that he embodies the values and hard work that has made our RV industry such a fantastic industry,” says a nominating peer. “Tom continues to strive toward helping RV dealerships improve wherever needed so they can be prepared for whatever tomorrow brings.”
Peers say Tom is a true asset to the RV industry, possessing a deep knowledge and understanding of how the business works from the manufacturer to the dealer to the customer. “He brings people and resources together to elevate business performance and success,” adds another peer.
Others in the industry say people seek out Tom for his wisdom and outlook on our industry, calling him “a true leader of people.”
Tom is an active participant in charity events sponsored by RV dealerships, supporting various communities.
Tom is a devoted family man who cherishes his wife and time with his daughters; he is also dedicated to being the best role model possible for his young daughters. Outdoor activities with his family are a top priority.
Tom’s advice for upcoming leaders in the RV space:
“Understanding [that] although business is competitive and at times frustrating or stressful, always remember this industry is based on relationships, and everyone you come across can and likely will impact your career in one way or another.”