RV News

Blog: A Deep Dive on GLBA Regulations

Tom KlineKline

GLBA regulations, which have been in effect since 1999, require institutions that provide financial products to consumers, including loans, to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data. How, specifically, to do this is a question that dealership consultant Tom Kline gets often and, he says, it can be confusing for dealers but staying in compliance is critical.

In this video blog Kline, founder of Better Vantage Point, is interviewed by Atu Patel, founder of digital marketing company Obee, and the two take a deep dive-look into staying on the right side of these important regulations.

(Please be patient as there is about a one-minute delay at the beginning of the broadcast.)

Tom Kline

Tom Kline, a former dealership owner with 30 years of experience, specializes in solving dealership problems through risk mitigation remedies, compliance and dealership dispute resolution. Tom is lead consultant and founder of Better Vantage Point and has worked with publicly-held and private dealerships. Kline is an Endorsed Expert for the RVDA, VIADA, CIADA, and Dealership Marketing Magazine.

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