RV News

Tom Kline: Keep it By the Book When Dealing With Your Bank

Tom KlineKline

With March bringing the second- and third-largest bank failures in U.S. history, dealer consultant Tom Kline of Better Vantage Point has had a lot of discussions with his clients recently about what that means for them if they are a customer of one of those. Even if they’re not, it’s important to know what to do to safeguard themselves if they are ever caught in that situation. Just to make us all jealous Tom took a few minutes to share his thoughts at a a concert arena before The Boss and his E-Street Band took the stage for another epic 3 ½-hour show.

Tom Kline

Tom Kline, a former dealership owner with 30 years of experience, specializes in solving dealership problems through risk mitigation remedies, compliance and dealership dispute resolution. Tom is lead consultant and founder of Better Vantage Point and has worked with publicly-held and private dealerships. Kline is an Endorsed Expert for the RVDA, VIADA, CIADA, and Dealership Marketing Magazine.

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